Saturday, December 16, 2006

Little Christmas tree

You may believe it or not. We observed that Thais in our community have a fascination about Christmas. I mentioned this before, they like Christmas songs especially their children. We often hear Christmas tune used as ringing tone in their cell phones. The definitely like Christmas decorations especially the tree.

So when we set up our little Christmas tree about three weeks ago, our neighbor's children came and help us decorate the tree while the older people watch in our front door and enjoyed watching us doing things to the poor Christmas tree. We do here what we were doing back home put up the tree and hang those beautiful blinking colorful Christmas lights and our neighbor would stare at them and we see the delightful smiles in their faces. Now, we have the opportunity to explain to them the significance of these symbolisms--this is all about Christ who become man to save us from our sins and give us a gift of eternal life.

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