Saturday, April 21, 2007

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all the saints… Col. 1:7

God is great and we have proven that He never changes. As a family we testify to the power and greatness of God for providing for His called servants and for revealing himself to people who needs to know him as the most powerful God. Here are our prayer concerns and we are truly grateful knowing that you are praying for us and other missionaries on the field.

Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

  1. We are grateful to the Lord for all your faithfulness in our partnership with the gospel. Thai New Year was over and so was the Songkran festival and while the people here celebrated five-day holiday splashing water, dancing on the streets and getting drunk, we at Mae Sai Grace Church spent the days listening and learning from God through a one week Summer Bible Camp. Thirty people attended the Summer Bible Camp and five people accepted Christ as their God and Savior. Again, the camp was a team effort among missionaries and local Pastors (2 Americans, 2 Filipinos and 3 Myanmar Pastors) here in Mae Sai.

  2. Grace Home Kindergarten Center held its first Anniversary and Recognition Day. Parents of the children under our care attended the said program and some of them enjoyed the children’s special number and many of them heard the gospel for the first time. After a long holiday, GHKC opened again last Monday. The children are happy to be back. We bought them a swimming pool for them to cool the summer heat away.

  3. We finally paid the motorcycle. God touched the heart of the people we don’t know personally who live on the other side of the world. Somehow they heard about our need of motorcycle to be used in the ministry. They responded and we praise the Lord for their love and concern for us and their willingness to support the work of sharing the gospel to the lost. We consider this a miracle and we could not thank the Lord enough for his faithfulness. We are also doing minor improvements with the facilities.

  4. We praise and thank the Lord for providing us friends who encourage us and bless us by sending us email messages, SMS, and calling us through the phone. This really gives us the courage and joy to persevere in God’s work. Furthermore, we have been receiving financial support from our dear friends but what amazes us is that we are also receiving support from people we don’t know personally and the supports are coming at the time we needed them.
  5. God is to be praised… God has been touching people to be aware of the welfare of our children. People are sending gifts specifically designated to buy something for our children. If you want to help, Jared is also trying to raise fund for his and his brother and sister desktop PC.

Pray more…

  1. The Mission Training Center will be starting soon. Again, this will be a team effort. We see the need of training local believers in their biblical knowledge and discipleship. Local church leaders from different ethnic groups in Myanmar are also craving for more training. We are encouraged that more and more missionaries are volunteering to help us with this program. Please pray for the people to be trained for they need subsidy to undergo training.
  2. Our local pastor coordinates with us in organizing a Summer English Camp 2007. This will follow the pattern of DVBS camp we have been doing in the Philippines. The camp will be held in the church and we are busy right now preparing for the details. We are aiming for 30 people (children and young people from age 8 to 18). As the news of the camp is being heard in the community and across the border of Tachilek, Myanmar, it seems that more people will be coming and the pastor has not sent the promotional letters yet. We are praying that God will use this camp to share the gospel to the children and youth and also as a venue for discipleship.
  3. Please pray for the Asian Baptist Congress 2007. I haven’t realized this before, but it seems that I will be meeting many Christian leaders and workers that work here in Thailand and in Myanmar. This is a good time for establishing relationships and future partnership for the gospel.
  4. In three months, we will be renewing our one-year visa. Please pray that this time everything will go smoothly as we want it to be. Please pray for more provisions.
  5. We are moving to a cheaper and smaller house. Please help us to pray to find the right house. We have been looking for a month but the houses we have found are more expensive but not necessary better than our present house.
  6. Continue to pray for our children homeschooling. Please we are pleading to God that we can sustain this through our years of stay here.
  7. Pray for Reuven. His face is swelling because of tooth infection. I guess this is reminder for us to bring our children to the dentist.

We are blessed to have friends like you and I could understand the Apostle Paul’s feelin when he said, "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." (Phil. 1:3)